Maltese Market
Malta Excursion
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Modern Knights

For anyone who thought the Knights of Malta existed only in the island's distant past, one of the exhibits at the Market enlightened them. There are at least 11,000 members of the modern Knights organizations, highly respected for their broad spectrum of community services. The best known of these in Germany:

Malteser Hilfsdienst

Johanniter Hilfsgemeinschaft

The Malteser Hilfsdienst, a Catholic organization, set up a stand at our Market, manned by Daniel Klein, a friendly student absolving his "Zivildienst" (obligatory community service) for the Malteser in Netphen. He handed out brochures and gave visitors the useful promotion gift of a packet of plasters! And he convinced us that the Malteser are indeed a useful organization, providing services such as rescue work, transport for the ill, emergency switchboard, home care, first-aid training, meals on wheels. We want to thank the Netphen organization very much for investing so much time and effort into our Market!

The Protestant Johanniter kindly provided interesting info flyers for our GLC class which outlined ist services, such as hospitals, homes for the elderly, first-aid and emergency services. There is an active branch of the Johanniter in Siegen, specializing in caring for the elderly in the Fliedner-Heim, community support of the disadvantaged and the blind, as well as aid for Eastern Europe. Here are the many Johanniter groups in North Rhine-Westphalia:

Most of us had not realized that both the Malteser and the Johanniter not only trace their origins back directly to the Order of St John of Jerusalem, which we had become familiar with in connection with the Knights of Malta, but are still associated today with the contemporary version of that ancient Order, with its seat at the Malta Palace in Rome. We were even more surprised to learn that the Order of St John is a kind of nation, with its own Constitution as the world's smallest electoral monarchy, a monarch (the Grand Master, currently Andrew Bertie of London), flag, stamps, ambassadors in over 80 countries, and permanent observer status at the United Nations!

More information in English: