Maltese Café
It is very interesting to learn something about a foreign
culture, especially if it is such a varied culture like Malta's.
And we discovered that the influences of many nations through
the milleniums are not only interesting, but also very tasty
and sometimes even funny.
During our research we found many recipes, which sounded very
strange at first. But later on we realized how special these
dishes really are. And this knowledge we took to the café,
where many other people shared our fascination and became
aware of the spicy and sweet Maltese cuisine.
Feel free to download our Maltese
Last but not least, thanks to our cocktail specialist (Frank)
who created a certain Mediterrean feeling with his alcoholic
and non-alcoholic drinks.
Nicola Bruch, Christoph Ebbinghaus, Frank Forst, Kerstin
Kill, Isabelle Klapheck, Judith Knappstein, Christian Staudt,
Tatjana Wurm