Maltese Market
Malta Excursion
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Maltese Magic

All workgroups of our large GLC class prepared something for the Maltese Market. In my group we make a puppet theatre and performed a Maltese folktale. On the day of the market, all students were busily working before 12 o'clock, the beginning of the Market. Some students had hung a huge Maltese cross on the ceiling; others had put up a big banner over the stairway to the upper Market area. Some were furnishing a Maltese café. Others were creating a labyrinth out of large display boards. The students who were setting up the Power Point show had numerous technical devices such as a laptop, a beamer, and a screen. Next to their table stood our puppet theatre. The whole scene looked like an anthill and 12 o'clock was approaching. I noticed that some brave students were preparing a karaoke show downstairs. I became very interested and ran downstairs to cast a glance at them. Shortly after that one of my group members called me to go back and rehearse for the last time. As I was walking upstairs I got excited and at the top I had to stop. Everything looked sooo Maltese! The GLC group had managed to create the atmosphere of Malta on the second floor of the AR building. of the University of Siegen.

Judith Fehrmann