Our students felt comfortable at Trinity College. They
inspected the buildings, talked to numerous students taking exam breaks
on the lawn, and filmed their interview of two lecturers. Some watched a
cricket game or ate lunch in the cafeteria. They walked through the English
Department and imagined what it would be like to study there! The architecture
is certainly different from Siegen, as this picture shows, but students
everywhere are basically alike, we decided.
Manuel Deutschle, Anne Dietrich, Dajana Kavsek, Céline Krimmel, and
Tamara Rigau conducted the interviews filmed by our digital camera
team, Adrian Greipel, Ina Kölzer, and Nina Schweda. This second
photo shows the two lecturers of Germanic Studies, Dr. Tim Jackson and
Dr. Nicola McLelland, whom we talked to at length in front of their offices;
we received an excellent impression of their department and we thank them
for their friendly and informative cooperation!