Here is the inofficial welcomer at the Guinness Brewery! A former barrel maker for Guinness, he became unemployed when the brewery changed from wooden to metal barrels for storing beer. He seems to make quite a good living, however, posing for pictures with his photogenic work horse. Only Ana could understand his strong Dublin accent!
The tour of the state-of-the-art, expo-like Guinness "Storehouse" provided a strong contrast to the barrel maker. The climax of the tour was a free Guinness in the glass tower overlooking all of Dublin.
Mareike Dax, Kerstin Gerhardus, Verena Klos, Carola
Schmale, and Ana Zimmermann worked on this project, collecting Guinness
memorabilia as well as info about the brewing process and the brewery's
marketing strategies for the Fair display back at home.