Strange things happen in Avalon House bathrooms. Every morning the same procedure. With only one shower for one floor we were forced to use the lower-level bathroom. Great, we thought, eight showers, three toilets and seven sinks. But hearing people scream from inside the shower cabins should have warned us. We were to have our own experience a little later.
First morning:
Mmh, where to put our clothes? On that single hook there? Or on the dirty,
wet floor?
We knew that we just had to push the button to start the shower (it seems
that every bathroom facility in Dublin worked with buttons).
Lordie, how cold, but oh, what a mistake, the water got hotter and hotter.
Has anybody found out how to regulate the temperature?
Nobody had. So we were exposed to daily getting-hotter showers.
Each and every morning we stepped out of the showers with burned skin,
bursting heads and a severe lack of oxygen.
Breathing was almost impossible, the rising steam nearly killed us.
Oh well, we learned one lesson and survived, the same way we handled
the breakfast.
Melanie Langenbach & Katharina Niersberger