The first encounter with an Irish man...

First night in Avalon House. Finally in bed, overtired and exhausted. Unfortunately, being woken up in the very early hours of the morning by the urgent need to go to the toilets. This well known situation: Lying in bed, being too lazy and tired to get up, concentratedly trying to forget your bladder and therefore becoming more and more awake,... So, in the end, you jump off the bed, at the end of your tether, struggle your way through the "jungle" of a 12-bed dormitory, and luckily reach the corridor without any injury.

Immediately, you hear it. Snoring - the rather muffled, but unmistakable, terrible, sleepless-nights-causing, penetrating, unique noise of men's snoring. Thoughts like: "Oh Jesus, who the hell could that be?", then (quite sarcastically): "Fortunately, not in OUR room..." Step by step, you follow the long, badly lit corridor that seems to be endless. With every step you take, the noise becomes louder, clearer and more terrible. At this moment, you even forget your real purpose. Instead, there is the strong determination to find out where the snoring comes from. The nearer you get to the bathroom, the more intense the noise becomes. Finally you turn round the corner, and there he is!

Breathless, surprised, shocked and bewildered at the same time, you find yourself in front of an Irish-looking young man lying in a totally flat out position on the dirty floor, obstructing the bathroom door, with his arms crossed over his chest, and what's more, almost naked, "Iron-man", but snoring loud enough for ten. Hardly believing your eyes, you try hard not to wake up this stranger. But this is not so difficult, because his sleep seems to be one of those "strong-healthy-coma" ones. Nevertheless, you have to climb over his bulky body to reach the toilets...

Later, lying safe in your bed again, on a musty-smelling, but soft mattress, you wonder if this has been a dream or if that loud-sleeping guy has just forgotten his key card and couldn't get into his bedroom?
Ignoring everything, you fall into a broken sleep again. The alarm clock will be ringing all too soon ...

Dajana Kavsek