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German-Maltese Circle: Mutual Admiration Society
Although the German-Maltese Circle officials deny
fostering any political connections between the two
countries, we are including the GMC in the European
Union section of our website - it is a perfect example
of intercultural cooperation, which other EU members
and non-members would do well to emulate. GMC's official
goal is to "promote friendship between Malta
and Germany," and it certainly seems to be achieving
this aim!
We visited the GMC twice in its beautiful location,
the 16th-century Messina Palace on St Christopher
Street. Valletta. Our tour of the palace included
the library of German books for all reading levels,
conference rooms, cafeteria, and classrooms for teaching
German. We were amazed to see about 40 Maltese school-aged
children spending their whole Saturday morning taking
extracurricular German classes! We interviewed one
mother, who underlined the importance attached to
learning foreign languages in Malta, particularly
in light of the (in her opinion) probable entrance
of Malta into the EU. One of our students suggested
an email exchange between pupils at a Siegen school
(writing in English) with Maltese pupils (writing
in German) - the GMC was pleased with her initiative!
The GMC, founded in 1962 organizes exhibitions, film
shows, forums, concerts by visiting German choirs
and orchestras, social and sports events. An historical
highlight, commemorated with a plaque, took place
in 1990 when the GMC hosted a visit by President Richard
von Weizsäcker. The GMC works closely with its
sister organization in Germany, the Deutsch-Maltesische
Gesellschaft in Adenau, near Bonn, founded eleven
years ago, which has approximately 150 members all
over Germany.