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Balconies and Phones: Communicating in the British Hotel

Just two numbers: 108 and 109. OK, I see, this does not really sound interesting, but I swear it was. Those two numbers stand for the absolutely best two"British Hotel" rooms which Malta has ever seen - or better: heard. Six girls in two three-bed rooms and one huge balcony. OK, there was no Romeo climbing up the balcony to meet us, but the view we had from there was magnificent, with the Grand Harbour lying directly in front of us. This balcony played a major role during our eight days in Malta - it was the direct and only physical connection between our two rooms. Thus, the first thing we did in the morning was to run out to the balcony, in pyjamas of course, to watch the sun rising and to awaken the neighbors.

The neighbours, that's also a very funny topic to talk about. After long and extensive experiments we are sure that the house telephone provides an even better way than the balcony for getting into contact with the neighbours. "No, Anne, it really doesn't cost anything." To call other people is certainly fun and it can become a hobby, and, if you are not careful, even an addiction: "Have you brushed your teeth, Kerstin?" > "Yes, Anne." > "All right, then I can call the others to tell them we are ready!" There were numerous such important networking calls during our stay in the British Hotel.

Tamara (109)