
We were lucky to have the dancing troupe of the "Volkshochschule Herborn" offer to perform two "Riverdance" numbers at our Fair, complete with tap shoes. We thank Céline for organizing this colorful performance! Kerstin describes the way the audience viewed the dancing. The Westfälische Rundschau chose to highlight the brightly costumed step dancers in their newspaper report!

"Riverdance" in Siegen

How could there be an Irish Fair without original Irish dancing? That is the reason why we invited some dancers from a show dance group ("Volkshochschule Herborn") to dance at the Irish Fair....and so they did!!! They performed two fast-paced dances to the popular "Riverdance" music and received enthusiastic applause from the audience. After that the courageous spectators were invited to dance themselves to the lively Irish music, with the experts showing them some steps. Irish dancing is not as easy as it seems, but it is a lot of fun, and definitely worth a try!

Kerstin Gerhardus