university haiku

university Learning for your life -
why studying in Siegen?
Friends, nature, words, fun!

Student Rhythms

tired in the morning
stay until the sun goes down
then learn the whole night

Student Cycle

a) ready to work now
    looking for new challenges
    relaxed and refreshed
c) empty little hill
    gone away is all the noise
    it's vacation time!
b) yet another year
    and just working all the time
    glad to be free soon


two lost souls, one mind
sharing the same thoughts - is this
the flame of knowledge?

Silence - but thousand
minds working, mediating, dreaming
over books

colourful races
black, white, yellow, brown and red
we are all students


a voice arouses
ancient written words to life
making past present

Although I am brave,
try to work hard and fast:
Knowledge, where are you?

Intelligence flows -
Uni geniuses galore!
Not creative now...

Beginnings Where is this damn room?
I'm lost and disappointed!
Can you please help me?

first days in Siegen
so many strangers to me
I need to make friends!

Middle Semesters

Huge buildings, big crowds
Always action, alway friends
Wish it wouldn't end

A whole year has gone
Two semesters - six are left
I don't want to stop


Learning in the Bib
Or should we meet friends today?
Student life is great!

Huge walls of books wait
Eager to be opened soon -
Hunters of our brains

In the library:
thinkers, surfers and sleepers,
some even on the phone


Tower of answers
Only one question is left
Oh, where is my lunch?

The choice: difficult
Which meal shall I take right now?
Everyday problems

Students queuing up
in a line of hungry mouths
Can't they move a bit faster?

High Tech

on the internet:
Too many websites for me,
I have to choose one

creative writing:
letters on the harsh white screen
avoid the wrong key

Contemporary Writers' Forum

For Sridhar Rajeswaran:

1. Well, writing poems
    is only for the gifted.
    So you are, Sridhar!

2. eyes flash and teeth gleam
    What a joyful word gourmet!
    makes poems delicious

      Sridhar Rajeswaran

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