figurative language

We have just read the first sentences of James Joyce's "Araby" and seen how he personifies North Richmond Street to introduce the atmosphere and themes of his story. Describe an outdoors scene (landscape, object in nature, natural event) using figurative language.

"Sunset at the Beach"

A red, glowing ball has done his work. The dazzling star is about to touch the surface of the golden water, spreading his energy and transforming it into tiny little diamonds reflected on the sparkling water. Soon pale moon will replace her brother, who will enjoy his ease and comfort during the next few hours.

Justyna, Ramona

still hiding her pride
but soon perfect beauty
reveals her true character
early sun demands the presentation
of her new robe
what might be its colour?
the fresh lips of a girl
waiting for her first kiss
or the first innocent snow
sent from heaven
any colour you can think of
will present
her soft and sensitive body
in the right way
Sonja B.

A dancing crowd of assiduous ants. Not an orderly ant-hill, but a place filled with wild turmoil. The powerful up and down of giant waves in the stormy sea. I feel a mighty energy. Consciousnesses melt together. An undercurrent of restless movements, some rapid and mechanical, some spherical and sentimental. The beat is the foot that keeps the minds on the floor as they struggle to fly away in centrifugal peace. Dancing energy, aiming for peace. Music is the key!

Sonja S.

"Dauntless Daisy"

New York. Seven o'clock in the morning. Thick, black clouds of people were rushing across the streets. The sun hid behind skyscrapers. Suddenly I noticed a bright spot amidst the shadows, a tiny square of gleaming light.
And there she was: dauntless Daisy.
Her eye-catching beauty and grace fascinated me. Her charming face reflected the sun like a mirror. White beams crowned her head and fearlessly she resisted the falling rain. Her delicate appearance reminded me of a snowflake softly touching my cheek, tender like a kiss.
From out of the shadows, a young man appears, falling in love with her, too. With one nimble movement, he takes her away from me. Still looking heroic, she disappears, leaving me alone in the dark.

Rebecca & Kristina


Silence. The moon was staring down on him. His presence out here wasn't approved of. He had intruded into this immense kingsom which not too many others had dared to do before him. But aftr all it had been rather easy. Neither had the king an army to defend his borders nor did he command any special task force to eliminate annoying invaders.
Cars cabs buses crowds of peple. Jingle bells. Traffic jam. Noise drowning out the holy and silent night.
Still the king was driving him mad. Who the hell had started this rumor about romantic nights spent under his soft eyes? Turning away from that window didn't help too much either as the window on the opposite side of the room confronted him with a view that was perhaps even harder to bear.
Parents hurrying from one store to the next. Christmas is going to be gorgeous this year. Grandma and Aunt Bertha are flying in from Atlanta. Family reunion.
There was this almost complete blackness, the infinite, ungraspable vastness which the cruel emperor ruled over. Just like its master this black nothingness was gaping at him through tiny glistening exes. This gaze was extremely hostile and yet in a way welcoming him. Maybe if he just stepped out and met eternity?
Just the same as every year. Every Christmas some people realize that they are no longer able to cope with their lives. Can't anybody stop these suicides from spoiling the holidays? He just opened that window and jumped off the ledge. But look, at least the moon is giving us some peace.

Sandra Henrich

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