Here are some keywords and phrases noted down by the excursioners
during the trip home from Wales. Maybe they will give you the flavour
of some moments and impressions we found exciting!
- friendliness of the Welsh!
- stunning landscape
- beautiful weather!
- sheep and stonewalls everywhere
- communicating with Welsh people
- afternoon at the beach
- school visits!
rooms in Bangor
ALDI in Bangor
Victorian pier in Bangor
- playing it > big fun, big danger
- watching it > superb European Cup!
- "I watched more football games on TV in one week than
in the past two years!"
- playing billiards and "kicker"less risky than
- the daily chillout in the evenings with beer and football
- Snowdon in the fog
- The Englishman who climbed up a hill but couldn’t come
- trainride
- slate mine
- C.A.T. and the alternative food with flowers
- all the castles!
- Günther Netzer (alias Hanno) on the bus
- Welsh ice cream, our breakfasts, and pub meals
Starbucks coffee
Llangollen quarterpounder with cheese
yummy nuts!
- kitchen parties, especially Brandy’s stories
keeping the fire doors shut at the hall of residence – or, rather,
trying to open them
cheerful breakfast woman and the bartender at the University in Cardiff
- open-air museum and the old lady who told us about the wicked
Earl of Plymouth
- National Museum in Cardiff
- beautiful Cardiff castle
- Irish pub at St. John’s Church in Cardiff
audiotaping the fabulous live band at the “Sugar”
cafe jazz in Cardiff
- shopping in Cardiff
- Welsh women’s style
- Were our prejudices reinforced by the British geezers and
- Harry Potter III
- ferry trips – one fun, the other delicious!
- super busdriver!!
- our group!!!
- variety of our program – thanks to Cathy and Phil for
organizing a wonderful gtrip!
- “Wales starts where the sheep start.”
“We’ll be there soon - it’s just around the next bend.”
C.A.T.: “We believe in compost!”
“Never go back the way you come!”