Sridhar Rajeswaran

poet & playwright from Bombay
SoSe 2000

The Dance of the Cosmos

(a post-colonial poem drawing on Yeats's theory of history as rising and falling spirals)

Sridhar Rajeswaran
    If things were
    If things weren't
    If things weren't what they were
    If things were what they weren't

    We know not what things are!
    Things are not what they are meant to be

    Caught as lumps deliberated
    We struggle those predicated unsaids
    That choke
    To coagulate in the throat
    Expend, expanded in the larynx.

    A simulacrated asphyxia

    What is this?
    What is this that has become of us?
    Are we or are we not?

    Drawn onto the vortex
    Into the corage
    Of a cesspool
    Of an ever concentrating spiral

    Converging inwards, compressing innards, constantly reducing
    Only in order to intensify.

    Being, almost reaching the just about to be
    In the eye of the maelstrom
    Of an ever vanishing centre

    Poised as it were
    In the margins

    Seeking to asperse
    The vacuity of the world.

    Will the spectre cease haunting?