
(alias Julianne Denby)

poet from the UK
SoSe 96

In the family

We could have kept it contained.
We could have kept it to ourselves,
with no public prying eyes
and some hope of salvation.
It would have been better.
It would have been quieter.
The knowledge of damnation,
the stench of failure ...
Night after night, I could only ask why
and only hear your refusal to respond.
My own breathing whispers in my ears,
my own blood hammers in your veins.
You look at me with viper's eyes
and my tongue refuses to obey me.
Where were you? Where have you been?
Is it starting again? Is it? Is it? Is it?
More courts, more fear, more echoes of shame.
In hospital rooms the family dissected,
while you and I sit unable to command
our fate in the experts' hands.
We could have kept it contained,
we could have kept it to ourselves,
if we were not blood strangers
in a world made strange and bloody
and I can't understand,
I can't understand ...

Illustration by Joolz from "Emotional Terrorism", Bloodaxe Books, 1990
Illustration by Joolz
from "Emotional Terrorism",
Bloodaxe Books, 1990