King Arthur's Legacy |
My personal highlight was the trip to Glastonbury. As a big fan of King Arthur legends it was quite impressive to see where Avalon could have been located in former times. Glastonbury Abbey itself is very interesting even though most of the buildings have been destroyed. I liked the enthusiasm of the people very much, who tried to make the remaining buildings look like they were before, e.g. the kitchen, where a plastic pig was roasting above the fire. It was very nice to walk along the marks of the former walls. I think it is amazing to see how big the Abbey actually was. With the help of the plan we received at the entrance it was easy to find our way through the Abbey. We found an altar, which might be the place where the Holy Grail was found. I read about a legend that Lancelot found the Holy Grail at Glastonbury Abbey on an altar in the nave - maybe it was that point!!!
Another outstanding experience was standing in front of King Arthur's grave. It was discovered in 1191 by the abbot and another member of the Abbey, together with the grave of Guinevere, which was located underneath Arthur's grave in the cemetery. According to the discoverers they found Guinevere's long blonde hair but when a monk touched the hair it returned to dust.
Although I am a little bit sad that I missed the walk to Glastonbury Tor, I am very happy that I experienced the city of Glastonbury, or Avalon as the people there call it. Although the city is very small it is a capital of different religions and beliefs. While walking along the road you can see esoteric shops next to stores selling products from the Hindu culture and Christian bookstores next to Methodist churches. It is a centre of mysticism and paganism living side by side with their Christian followers. You can see people of all different origins with various convictions talking to each other and discussing such matters with everyone they see. They are very interested in the pilgrims coming to Glastonbury and all the other visitors. Talking to the people gives you the feeling of living inside the legend of King Arthur and makes you sure that the legend is true.
Maureen Wehner |