loving their jobs!

Looking back over the many positive experiences during my seventh English Department excursion, I vividly recall the English(wo)men who loved their jobs and communicated that to us warmly:
  • Kevin, our bus driver, took great pleasure in swooping up and down the curvy roads in Exmoor, entertaining us with clever stories while doing so.
  • Roger, the enthusiastic honorary city guide, gave us a real sense of his beloved Bath during the informative and entertaining walking tour.
  • Roderick, the busy German teacher who invited us to his beautiful school, showed genuine pedagogic hospitality.
  • in the cathedral The guide at the "British Empire & Commonwealth Museum" in Bristol, understood the pain involved in the excellent "Breaking the Chains" exhibition commemorating the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade. It is important but not easy for any of us to recall that the grandeur of the Royal Crescent and the sugar in the Cream Tea of the elegant parlors arose from the wealth gained largely through the slave trade...
  • The charismatic Anglican priest conducted the morning Communion Service with freshness and inspiration. In the photo below you can see how he welcomed Helena and Jenny, who undertook their 'job shadowing' at the Bath Abbey.
And reading the excursioners' highlight texts, I can certainly include our students among those who "love their jobs" - wonderful texts written by cooperative, creative, and fun-loving students! And doesn't that make it easy for a teacher to love her job too?!

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