Excursion Highlights

Here are some of the items in the individual lists you jotted down on the return journey:

mentioned by nearly everyone:

- ceilidh dancing at the Caledonia brewery (top of most people’s list! some comments: “fun, fun, fun!”; “all could take part so we had fun together”; “atmosphere was great and no one was embarrassed, everyone was laughing”; “absolutely fantastic”)

- picnic lunch break at Bamburgh Castle and the beautiful beach (another big favourite; “perfect!”); swimming in the sea

- trip to Loch Lomond with the hike up Conic Hill on the West Highland Way (“the view from the top was awesome”; “it was a real challenge – I’m happy that I made it!”) and the cruise on the loch, “the sweet ducks”

- climbing up Arthur’s Seat; “fantastic view, especially by night”

- our rooms and the service at Pollock Halls; “clean and nice”; “delicious breakfast”

- pub crawls; “Monday evening in the ‘Royal Mile Tavern,’ featuring the famous Wally Adams on guitar”; good beer

- Royal Mile and Old Town of Edinburgh, particularly the guided tour with Gavin Hunter; the appearance and atmosphere of the Old Town

- meeting and talking with Scottish people; interviewing Scots as well as people of other nationalities (“We experienced that Edinburgh is an international city”); talking to a “real Highlander” in a pub

- Glasgow: city tour and evening meal; Indian meal (“of course the Indian meal”; “very hot but delicious”)

- going shopping in Princes Street and the Royal Mile

other points mentioned:

- the way Mary Queen of Scots was mentioned everywhere we went

- Palace of Holyroodhouse

- “Laserquest”

- Ghost Walk

- National Art Gallery

- whisky exhibition; “delicious Scottish Cream Whisky”

- cider and salmon

- the Scottish accent and slang

- second-hand shops; bookshops

- ferry crossing; “evening on the ferry”; “horse racing”; dancing group “Mirage”

- usually cooperative bus driver; “especially that Siggi was already outside waiting when we got off the ferry”

general points:

- wonderful landscape; “I loved the countryside!”

- whole city of Edinburgh and its attractions

- friendliness of the natives

- the weather [this could be debatable…]

- enough free time

- “very friendly excursion group”; “harmonious group atmosphere”; “getting to know some people better”; “I found some new friends”

- “all in all it was a great experience!”; “a highlight of my studies and travels”

  negative points: guide at the Edinburgh Castle (“he had simply memorized his texts”); “four-bed rooms would have made it easier to make plans with other excursioners”

laurels for the teachers: “Special thanks to the tour organisers, Cathy, Phil, and Hartmut Gembries, Regina too”; “I enjoyed everything, but especially Cathy & Phil”; “Cathy was a super excursion mother”; “a warm thank you to our excursion leaders who made it all perfect”; “thanks for your kindness and patience”; “Thanks for organising this fantastic trip – I really enjoyed it and will never forget it!”

Our excursion wouldn't have been a success without the cooperative, flexible participants - and with the creative and industrious support of all the GLC 2 students "back home", the Scottish Fair on 17 July was THE semester highlight!! C.W.
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