The film crew had a difficult task: to capture the adventures and activities of 50 excursion participants and to edit the film within two weeks in time for the Scottish Fair. Michelle Bender, Susanne Huhn, and Carola Schmale certainly rose to the occasion, carrying the not-so-light film equipment during strenuous mountain hikes and city tours, mastering the complex computer techniques needed for post-production, and organizing the projecting equipment for the Scottish Fair.
The result is an excellent film, carefully cut, with clever montage gimmicks and well-selected music, which was a real hit at the Fair. The girls proved that they have a talent for observing and capturing “telling moments” in the Scotland encounters – the body language of the Edinburgh inhabitants becomes as revealing as the excursioners’ comments in the film. The panoramic views of Edinburgh, Loch Lomond, and Glasgow are breathtaking.
For this website we have selected the
final sequence of the film in which all the excursioners are presented in various scenes from our Scotland 2003 project. Anyone who would like a video-CD copy of the entire 30-minute film should contact us.
We thank the media experts Herr Schopp and Herr Ley for their time-consuming support of our project!
For better quality you can download the sequence as an mpeg-file (13 MB). Frontpage Excursion page